IMPORTANT Info - Summer Camp


Fabric If your Summer Camp Program requires you to purchase fabric, please take your child shopping for the fabric. This is part of the learning process. 

Your child will be given things to look for on the fabric bolt and in the store as “homework”. The pattern will have information on material that is required. The Instructor will help guide you on the selection process. 

Fabric comes in different widths and your pattern will list what you need for 45” and 60” wide fabric. 

Please pre-wash all your fabric. Wash and dry as you would the finished garment. Please iron fabric. (Information about fabric care is located on the end of the bolt, Please note this and record that information) 

Please do not purchase shiny, silky, velvet or extremely stretchy (dance or knits) or heavy fabric. They are hard for a beginner to work with.



Please purchase good quality thread, Mettler, and Gutermann are good choices. Cheap or old thread may be fuzzy and may interfere with the machine tension. Please purchase all-purpose thread. You will see a lot of specialty threads for embroidery, quilting, and decorative uses, they are not suitable for garment instruction. Don’t buy bargain basement thread! They have a lot of fluff that catches in the machines and can damage them. They break easily and are frustrating to use. Thread should be one shade darker than the project you are working on.



Select the appropriate notions for your garment. The notions that are needed are listed on the pattern envelope if you are working on a commercial pattern, if you are working on another project, the instructor will help guide you on what is needed.. For Zippers, a darker shade is better, if not a perfect match is okay Invisible zippers are often a good choice. I have a button box of basic buttons that you may select from.Select the appropriate notions for your garment.
